Mongolian Association of Nutrition and Food Service Management

Mongolian Association of Nutrition and Food Service Management (MANFSM) hold a General Assembly Meeting (2008, 2010), Board Meetings and a MANFSM Congress (2009). Promote and facilitate professional development activities for attainment of accreditation status. Promote the awareness of nutrition, dietetics, food services and the professional image of the profession and association, foster closer cooperation between dietitians, nutritionists and other professionals in allied fields. Disseminate nutritional knowledge to the public in order to promote the health status of the population. Expand relationship with IUNS, FANS member countries and overseas. Expand relationship with organizations inside the country. To achieve one of the Strategy Goals, MANFSM organized 14 CPD activities among members-nutritionists, dietitians, food service managers and food technologists. These activities included seminars, conference, visits to the food service organizations in rural area. Also MANFSM organized 8 qualification trainings jointly with academic institutions such as Mongolian University of Science & Technology in the country and 6 short trainings in abroad-Korea, China, Japan, Germany, France and Thailand. OMICS Group has been successful in revolutionizing the Open Access Journals and providing exposure to the scientific community by laying a platform along with 25, 000 editorial team, 27, 000 reviewers and 2.5 million readers. Open Access Journals uses the power of internet and multimedia to make knowledge available globally with one click away. The main aim of OMICS Group is to transform the world by circulating the knowledge related to science and technology all over the globe by different theme standards of living of the masses. Along with the Journals, OMICS Group also organizes Scientific Conferences which lay a perfect platform for all the International Audience to share their research ideas. OMICS Group encourages experts from the field of academia and industry to spread their innovative research and ideas by providing them a global networking platform. Participants can present any subject matter of their interest at the conference and can interact by sharing their ideas with eminent scientists, professors and delegates. OMICS Group provides an opportunity of Scientific Partnering and B2B partnership with the same aim that communication between scientific research communications share their ideas and make research collaborations which make research ideas develop. These Scientific Conferences are also integrated with workshops, symposia and trade shows by bringing people together on a single platform thereby achieving its motto of enlightening the lamp of knowledge across the world in all the areas of Science, Medicine and Technology.

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Too slow and too difficult? participatory governance as a lever for climate change adaptation-.

Interventions for development, sustainability, and/or climate change adaptation have a history of ambiguous outcomes and outright failures. How can interventions, and especially those that involve government, research and stakeholders, including local residents, result in sustainable outcomes that persist beyond the intervention, and move towards climate change behaviour-change...Read More

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The water and soils pollution due to mercury emissions from mining industries represents a serious environmental problem and continuous risk to human health. Among the 25 regions of Peru, three are responsible for more than 70 percent of the official gold production, La Libertad (29.6%), Cajamarca (25.9%)...Read More

Effects of climate change on decisions about the design of large-scale weather-driven energy systems in the twenty-first century !!

Increasing global warming and the resulting climatic changes are likely to advance the weather-related risks that are facing many different human and natural systems. In the attempt to cushion these effects, mitigation strategies that rely on low cost weather driven variable renewable energy technologies are gaining ground,...Read More